Last updated 21 Dec 2024, 20:45:04 UTC

michael-u5a1 ("Ich heisse Michael, bin 1964 in Hranice in Maehren in der Tschchischen Republik geboren,...")
magnia ("(>ω<)")
Matthias Breimann ("Matthias Breimann, geboren am 12. März 1991 in Niederösterreich, lebt seit seiner Geburt...")
MasterMind ("Putting my PC to good use while enjoying life one day at a time in beautiful Virginia...")
marc4 ("73 years, active and not retired. Certified Electronic Technician, specialty in analogue...")
Markus Walser ("I'm from Austria, I was born in 1966. I'm using BOINC since 1999 (first project was...")
m0laki ("PC enthusiast since the early 80’s - ran BBS systems on Apple, Commodore and Amiga with...")
Mikhail Antonov ("Телега")
midreal ("i don't know how to read")

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